Career Tech
Students in grades 9-12 actively participate in classroom and laboratory activities involving environmental and natural resources, animal and plant systems and agri-business. Topics covered include career opportunities, safety, technology applications, agri-business leadership, environmental science, soil science, plant science, forestry, animal science, aquaculture, wildlife science, pest management, and more!
The National FFA Association (FFA) is the Agriscience student organization that helps students strengthen their personal skills, develop leadership skills, enable them to compete and travel to events and competitions.
Contact: Amy Stephens (
Business Marketing
The business marketing program prepares learners for careers in planning, organizing, directing, managing, and evaluating the business/marketing functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. The use of technology is also an important component of the course. Career opportunities in this cluster are available in every sector of the economy and require specific skills in organization, time management, customer service, and communication. Rigorous instruction is provided to equip learners with knowledge and skills they will need for college and careers.
Contact: Michael McDermott (
Building Construction
Students learn OSHA-10 and NCCER Core procedures to ensure they understand classroom lab and construction safety. Students build multiple projects from the ground up using blueprints and safety protocols. The program allows students to learn hands-on basic carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and maintenance skills. Students are provided with opportunities to join SkillsUSA, to work alongside industry partners and advisory committee members, and learn how to plan ahead to anticipate and over problems.
Contact: Wesley Yoder (
Food, Wellness, and Dietetics
Classes include Family and Consumer Science, Food and Nutrition, Food Safety, and Microbiology, and CTE Lab.
This program prepares students for both the workforce and for healthful living by fostering their understanding of the food industry while increasing their knowledge of the relationship between food and the human body. It promotes the understanding of today's food and eating trends and gives students the capacity to intelligently evaluate all available sources of nutrition information and make informed decisions.
Contact: Jordyn Vernon (
Health Science
Health Science is offered to students in grades 9-12 who are interested in health careers. Certified Nursing Assistant, Patient Care Tech, and EMR are certifications that are available through the Health Science program. Classes include simulation training labs, clinical training, competitive events, networking, licensed instructors, and various community partnerships
Contacts: Mary Roberson ( and Ashley Hill (
Information Technology
Tech Information: Fundamentals, Tech Support, Cybersecurity, and Computer Management
Students should have strong mathematical and technology skills with a desire for a career in the computer science field.
Contact: Brian Kelly (
Modern Manufacturing
Join the Modern Manufacturing Program and start your career pathway today! Students can earn stackable credentials. After graduation, connect with industry and start your career potentially making $50,000 a year with extraordinary benefits. Students who successfully complete the program will have the opportunity to be interviewed directly by HONDA and/or a HONDA supplier!
Contact: Jeff Chappell (jefferychappell@tcboe,org)